This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101058279

SIMPLI-DEMO, the Demonstration of Sonication and Microwave Processing of essential chemicals project, aims at strengthening the chemical process industry – and in particular the specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries – in its capacity to produce materials and chemicals in a sustainable and competitive way. This is done by moving from batch to continuous and modular production with flexibility being ensured by the application of alternative energy forms.

The SIMPLI-DEMO project responds to the EU Horizon Europe call A DIGITISED, RESOURCE-EFFICIENT AND RESILIENT INDUSTRY 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01) and is an innovation action in which leading European in-dustries and university groups in process intensifi-cation, ultrasound, microwave, multiphase processes, polymerization and crystallization team up to address the domain of electrification of chemical industry.